Greater Toronto Collector Car Museum | Vision
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What will the Museum look like?


The GTCCM will be like no other museum in Canada. It will be a hands on facility where selected automobiles from the collection will be taken out for road tests by volunteers with patrons and sponsors as guests.


The automobile displays will be done in a period correct manner using various themes as backdrops. Cars of the 20’s would be displayed in a setting from the roaring 20’s. Cars of the 50’s would be displayed in a replica gas station of the time, the 60’s would have a psychedelic theme and so on. Special interest automobiles such as those owned by public personalities, limited editions, prototypes, and rare models would be rotated in and out of the museum through loans of private collections and other museums.


Our library will include trade journals, repair manuals, car magazines, automobile books, owner’s manuals and other paraphernalia that can be viewed on site or on loan from the museum for our patrons. Excess or duplicate issues will be offered for sale in our Pit Shop.


The Pit Shop will be our on-site  and on-line store where we will offer our branded clothing and other museum logo’ed items.

We hope to also offer donated used books and magazines for resale and other automotive related items such as model cars.


Manufacturers of various makes will be encouraged to participate in a variety of ways from displaying current models to sponsorship of various theme nights/weeks or even months.


We hope that club nights will become a regular activity and we will encourage local car clubs to participate and get involved.


We will liaise with local technical schools and work with students involved in the study of the automobile.


Eventually we will have on site catering to allow our various sponsors and patrons to host business functions, new products launches and other promotional events with the automobile museum as a backdrop.

What are the plans for future development?

Phase I

Attract volunteers
Partner with business and government
Liaison with local businesses, clubs and related industries
Locate a temporary facility to act as a template for our permanent facility and showcase what the museum will be all about.
Acquiring automobiles through loans, donations or outright purchases
Build the library
Develop our educational programs

Phase II

Finalize permanent location plans
Continue to raise funds for permanent site building

Phase III

Identify permanent location
Finish fund raising for new building
Build and move into the permanent site

Phase IV

Investigate expansion across Canada
This would allow for national sponsorship opportunities, cost reduction synergies, national government involvement, rotation of the collection and other display opportunities.